
目前顯示的是 11月, 2017的文章

Itch.io Notice 2. There are many distributors coming on Itch.io now.

This article was originally post on itch.io at 2017.11.22 https://itch.io/t/165252/itchio-notice-2-there-are-many-distributors-coming-on-itchio-now#post-313213 At least, I saw Plug In Digital and 4EversGames are coming on Itch.io for sometimes, they are not developers but distributors, and I totally understood some developers need distributors to help them make profits, maybe because they are too busy or have no knowledge about the market? https://plug-in-digital.itch.io/ https://4eversgames.itch.io/ But it is still weird to see many distributors hang around Itch.io where is the land almost belongs to the indie game and individual small group of developer.  The games they distributed are not bad games, some of them like Shelter, Kingdom are already famous indie games in the world on Steam platform. And you can see there are so many strange behind, like if the developer already has their own publisher, why don't the publisher publish or distribute them on itch.io witho...


本篇文章於2017年11月20日在Indienova發佈 https://www.indienova.com/indie-game-review/legend-of-hand-is-fun-of-citizenship/ 前言: 很快地就到了2017年底,一如往常地,電腦遊戲發行總數一年比一年多。根據數據顯示,隨著發行制度放寬,今年達到6000款,相當於2006年至2014年的發行量。遊戲戲市場活絡是好事,良好的競爭促使遊戲更加成熟,然而實際上卻出現濫竽充數的現象,為了遊戲周邊商品(卡片道具)市場與成就徽章圖示而做的遊戲更是層出不窮,甚至有的遊戲一上架就對折、買一送三,以及抽獎等的促銷手段,這些無可莫非地迎合部分玩家的需求,可惜的卻是真正專注在內容本身的遊戲卻成為遺珠之憾。我想《手傳說》(Legend of Hand, 2017)就是這樣的一款遊戲,從數據可以很清楚看到儘管它的持有者有3354人(很可能是在綠光時廉價銷售鎖時擁有的),但平均最多遊玩人數只有16人,遊戲平均時長為3小時(基本上就是卡片掉落時間,真正時長可達10小時)。這已經不是個新問題了,我們擁有的太多,真正去投入的卻很少,也許正是因為這樣的關係,我特別想好好地討論這款充滿生活體驗樂趣的《手傳說》給我的感覺經驗。 (一)冒險類型遊戲: 《手傳說》是一款冒險類型遊戲(AVG),所謂的冒險遊戲對於90年代以後出生的新玩家相當陌生,第一個原因來自於這種類型本身定義為具有解謎要素的點擊式遊戲(point and click),它經常跟角色扮演類型搞混,但兩者真正差異在於冒險遊戲沒有大量的動作操控,幾乎都是用滑鼠點擊的方式操作,再者它沒有等級技能或能力素質的提昇減弱,不影響玩家通關的過程。因此它更偏向讓玩家從探索物件與人物對話中發展劇情。第二個原因是最早的冒險遊戲是在1970年代用純文字方式呈現,沒錯,就是像讀小說般一行一行字地「遊玩」,例如據稱史上最早的冒險遊戲《巨洞冒險》(Colossal Cave Adventure, 1976),然後興盛期則是在80-90年代採用更多的視覺表現,以Sierra和Lucas Art兩間公司為代表,但這些還都是二維畫面,甚至沒有足以匹配現今高畫質螢幕的解析度。綜上述原因,新一代玩家比較能夠適應Telltale Games發行的電影小說改編的...

Itch.io Notice 1. There is something dangerous on supporting works in itch.io

This article was originally post on itch.io at 2017.11.07 https://itch.io/t/160271/itchio-notice-1-there-is-something-dangerous-on-supporting-works-in-itchio I have to say itch.io is the best platform for any individual developer, but it is not safe for gamer, supporter or buyer for some condition. Yes, when we supported the works, that means we support the developer and his/her works. But itch.io doesn't like Steam or any huge commercial game platform have strict and secure rule for preventing people who want to put some pirated or unauthorized stuffs here. There are already many examples in tich.io before, Stardew Valley, Oneshot or other popular indie games are illegally uploaded by some gamer who bought the Drm-free version game in GOG and sold them here, even some of them are sold in the Drm version which means the games can't be played without the owner account. https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/6muj1z/itchio_seems_to_be_selling_repack... I don't hav...